How to order

If you intend to order memorial diamonds or would like to get more information on our products, kindly contact us at or leave a message on our Contact Us page and we will be happy to assist you. Along with sending you our product brochure and order form, we will answer any of your queries within 2 to 3 days. Please take note, though, that the entire process can take around seven (7) to eleven (11) months.


Our cremation diamond process requires a specific amount of ashes or hair, based on the desired carat weight of the diamond. Please refer to the table below to determine the amount of carbon source needed for your diamond.

Carat Hair Ashes Combination
0.08 - 0.34 ct 1 g 2 tbsp or 60 g 1 tbsp ( 30 g ) ashes + 0.5 g hair
0.35 - 1.00 ct 2 g 4 tbsp or 120 g 2 tbsp ( 60 g ) ashes + 1 g hair
1.01 - 2.00 ct 3 g 6 tbsp or 180 g 3 tbsp ( 90 g ) ashes + 2 g hair
2.01 - 3.00 ct 4 g 8 tbsp or 240 g 4 tbsp ( 120 g ) ashes + 3 g hair

You can combine both ashes and hair for an even more personalized and meaningful diamond at an additional cost of $135. If you have any questions about the amount of carbon source required, please don't hesitate to contact us.

1 spoon=1 Tbsp (0.5 oz/15ml)

The image shows 1 gram of hair (about 2 heaped table spoons)



1. Order Confirmation

  • Our Product Brochure will provide insight with regard to our offerings. In addition to that, it is meant to be of assistance to you in choosing your diamond.

  • If you are ready to place an order, please read the terms of conditions carefully, download and fill out the order form and send the completed form to

  • Once we have received your order form, we will reach out via email with the next steps to complete your order.

  • Once we have confirmed your order, please make sure to pack and tightly seal the ashes into a suitable container (ex. zip lock bag) and send it to the address that is provided via email.

  • Once we have received the ashes, we will let you know. From this point on, please make the 50% payment within the next seven (7) days. Failing to do so may result in the cancellation of your order.

Examination of an unpolished diamond by EverDear™️ gemologist under a microscope

2. Diamond Production Process

  • Carbon Refinement: This is the first step of the process. Carbon Refinement requires an analysis of the components coming from the carbon source (ashes or hair). After the analysis is completed, the extraction of pure carbon begins.

  • HPHT Process: This is the second step of the process. HPHT requires the transformation of the extracted pure color into diamonds under high temperature and high pressure conditions.

  • Polishing: This is the third and final step of the process. In this final stage, the rough diamond is polished into a larger-than-life cremation diamond.

*Take Note: The Diamond Production Process itself takes around six (6) to ten (10) months.

EverDear™️ pack of final memorial diamond jewelry product

3. Diamond Delivery

  • When your diamond is ready, one of customer service representatives will send you a photo via email.

  • Before the diamond is shipped, the remaining 50% payment is required.

  • Once the balance has been settled, we will ship your diamond to you within the next 7 business days. We will provide you with tracking details so that you may keep an eye out for its delivery.

Please ensure you are familiar with the whole order process before ordering. If you have any questions, please Contact Us and we will be happy to speak with you regarding your order.


EverDear Welcome Kit


To initiate the creation of your cremation diamond, our Welcome Kit provides you with all the tools necessary to collect and respectfully send your loved one's remains for easy and hassle-free processing.


With regard to shipping, we highly recommend that you send the material via a ​secure courier service that is highly reliable and well-known (eg. USPSFedEx).